viernes, 1 de junio de 2012

Reading: Dublin's first cyber criminal

3b Read the etxt and choose the correct answer
  1. a (distressed) 
  2. b (dumbfounded)
  3. a (remorseful)
5a Underline all the words and phrases in the report connected with the topics in the table. Write them in the correct column
Criminal (noun)
Case (noun)
Legal (adjective)
Police (noun)
Fraud squad (noun)
Investigating (verb)
Fraud (noun)
Witnessed ( verb)
Evidence (noun)
Juvenile (noun)
Charged (verb)
False pretences
(adjective / noun)
Offender (noun)

Surf (verb)
Cyber (adjective)
Internet (noun)
Computer ( noun)
Net (noun)
Credit card (noun)
Ordering (verb)
Home deliveries (noun)
Order form (noun)
Placed an order (verb)
Goods (noun)
Suppliers (noun)

5b Find words in the crime column of the table that mean the following. 
  1. case
  2. legal
  3. fraud
  4. investigate
  5. witness
  6. evidence
  7. juvenile
  8. charge (with)
  9. offender

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