sábado, 17 de diciembre de 2011

Lesson Summary DECEMBER 15th

Just one lesson left before the Christmas holidays!!!!

This is what we did last day:
- Pronunciation - correcting politely (page 29) - 8a/b
- Grammar: exercises 7 (pg29), 5 and 6 (pg30-31), 8a/b (pg 31)
Group at 19:00, also 5c on page 29.
- Then we went back to page 15. We revise quickly the structure of a comparative essay and did exercise 5a.

  • Write an a comparative essay: Would you like to work from home?
- 1st paragraph: introduce the topic / state your opinion (Are you for or against?)
- 2nd paragraph: arguments for / advantages
- 3rd paragraph: arguments against / disadvantages
- 4th paragraph: conclusion
  • Reading on page 30: exercises 2a/b, 3
See you on Tuesday!
Enjoy the weekend!

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