martes, 24 de abril de 2012

Study and writing skills (page 66 -67)

2b Find examples of the features in the extracts
Text 2: I’ll
Text 4: I’ll
No contractions
Text 1: it is
Text 3: I will, I would
Text 5: Martin Scwartz will prepare (Note: we don’t normally contract a person’s name and will in either informal or formal texts)
Passive contructions
Text 1: It is recommended, are contacted, informed, should be arranged
Text 5: was approved
Phrasal verbs
Text 2: get back, find out,
Text 4: firm up
Longer words instead of shorter, more common ones
Text 1: therefore (so), option (choice, idea) , improve (make / get better), morale (happiness), recommended (it’s a good idea), informed (told), requirements (what we need),
Text 3: unfortunately (sorry, but), unable (can’t), attend (come to), due to (because of), previous (earlier), engagement (meeting, plan), however (but), grateful (pleased)
Direct questions
Text 2: can you find out what…?
Missing out words
Text 1: March / April (March or April)
Text 4: got /I / we got)
Text 5: for next meeting (for the next meeting)
Prepare detailed budget (prepare a detailed budget)
(Note: the formal texts are missing words because they are written in note form – this does not make them less formal.)

 4. Logical order for writing emails
  • Who ... 
  • Register
  • Information
  • Type
  • Edit
  • Send
5 Look at the phrases below and ...
  1. Got your message on ...
  2. I have some good news about ...
  3. I regret to inform you ...
  4. I would be grateful if you could ...
  5. I can't make it as ...
  6. If I can help in any way, please contact me again. 
  7. Please find attached ...
  8. Speak to you / See you soon.
6a Change the parts in bold from formal to neutral register. 
  • I am writing to advise you of = I am writing to tell you about a new development...
  • I am delighted to inform you that = I have some good news about shopping at Shoes 4U (or any reasonable and accurate answer)
  • I would be grateful if you could take = Could you possibly take ...
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon = Looking forward to hearing from you soon. 
6b Change the parts in bold from informal to formal register.
  •  Got your email on Friday = With reference to your email of last Friday
  • Sorry, but I can't make it = I would like to apologise for not being able to attend but...
  • Please let Mark know = I would be grateful if you could let Mark know
  • Please feel free to call / mail me again if you need any more help = If you need further help, please do not hesitate to contact me again
  • Speak to you soon = I look forward to hearing from you in the near future

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