lunes, 14 de mayo de 2012

READING: Environmental crisis? - key

Exercise 2: True or False?
 1. F    2. T    3. D    4. T    5. F    6. T

Exercise 3
1. Louise is the most optimistic; Rob is the most pessimistic.
2. He means the developing countries are trying to achieve a standard of living that is closer to that of the developed countries.
3. He says the global population is too high, and the amount people consume is increasing.
4. He says the world is soon going to run out of natural resources, and that millions of people will soon leave certain areas because it will be impossible to live there.
5. Nuclear power and wind power.
6. He means the price in terms of natural resources and the pollution of the atmosphere.
7. Industry, planes, cars and deforestation.
8. She thinks they will change when they really begin to understand the effect their lifestyle has on the environment.
9. Because both countries have huge populations.
10. He means recycling, driving cars that pollute a bit less, or using fewer plastic bags.

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