miércoles, 16 de mayo de 2012

READING: Warning: extreme weather ahead (KEY)

  1. wildfires
  2. floods (click for pronunciation)
  3. freak
  4. drought zone 
  5. roller coaster
  6. mild
  7. unprecedented
  8. crops
  9. heatwave
  10. reservoirs 
  11. sceptics
  12. trends
  1. False (paragraph 1 - There are drought zone ... BUT Scotland has just had its wettest May ever.)
  2. True (paragraph 2 - British weather was... and mild.)
  3. True (paragraph 2 - When Kent, in southern England ... as Timbuktu.)
  4. False (paragraph 4 - In 2010 ... Russia experienced extreme heat... crops were destroyed...)
  5. False (paragraph 6 - But for real extremes...)
  6. True (paragraph 7 - The government respoded by ... with chemicals.)
  7. True (paragraph 7 - ... floods and mudslides ... and tens of thousands of people lost their homes.)
  8. False (paragraph 8 - ... there were 600 twisters ... 138 people were killed ...)
  9. True (paragraph 12 - Sceptics argue that there ... extremes.)
  10. False (paragraph 12 and 13)
So what do you think? Are we experiencing 'global weirding' in Spain?

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