viernes, 16 de marzo de 2012

READING - Page 48 -49

2a Read three opinions about advertising. Are these statements true or false?
  1. True
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False
  5. False (But for me, an instantly recognisable logo is important). This is the answer the book says, however, if you think it's true, that's fine for me, because he also talks about slogans.
  6. False
3 Find adjectives in the first two texts in Exercise 2a which mean the following
  1. attention-grabbing
  2. eye-catching
  3. catchy
  4. shocking
  5. effective
  6. persuasive
  7. witty
  8. dull
  9. original / creative
  10. exotic
4 Match the words connected with advertising with their meanings
  1. commercial
  2. sponsorship
  3. slogan
  4. endorse
  5. misleading
  6. logo
  7. promote
5 a Choose the correct answer.
  1. promote
  2. sponsorship
  3. commercial
  4. eye-catching
  5. exotic
  6. effective
  7. dull
  8. catchy
  9. original
  10. persuasive

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