martes, 8 de mayo de 2012

How to tell if you're a shopaholic


Complete the gaps with the words you hear.
Are you one of the 17 million people who have never met an item you didn’t want to buy? You might be a shopaholic.
Step 1: (1) __________ __________ __________ __________.
Valid reasons -- you need (2) __________ or  __________. Bad reasons--you’re bored, (3) __________, depressed, or just got your (4) __________.
Step 2:  (5) Think about __________ __________ __________ you __________.
If (6) __________ something new gives you an incredible (7) __________ followed by horrible (8) __________ -- you might have a problem.
Step 3: (9) __________ __________ __________ __________
Are most of the (10) __________ in it things you (11) __________, or (12) __________ you __________.
Step 4: (14) __________ __________ __________ __________
A shopaholic’s wardrobe is filled with clothes that still have (15) __________ __________ and shoes that have never seen (16) the __________ of  __________.
Tip: If you’re on a first name basis with all the UPS guys, or can name every pitch person on the Shopping Network, you may have some (17) __________ __________.
Step 5: (18) __________ __________ __________
Do you find yourself trying to justify (19) __________to yourself and others? Do you ever hide packages? Lie about how much you’ve spent? Have you ever (20) __________ a new __________ into the house in a dry cleaner bag to conceal you’d bought something new?
Step 6: Assess your willpower
Shopaholics find themselves unable to resist buying things--even when they know their (21) __________ __________ are maxed out.
Step 7: (22) __________ __________ if you failed our little test.
Cut up the credit cards, find fun ways to fill your time that don’t involve buying anything, join Debtors Anonymous, or get therapy to discover the deeper issues behind your compulsive spending.
Marie Antoinette, Mary Todd Lincoln, Jackie Kennedy, and Princess Diana are all believed to have been (23) __________.

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